Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Principles of Design Poster Critique

i like The Godfather poster because of its simplicity. the eye is drawn directly to the figures in white and the title. the black and white sort of give the poster character, while still keeping it simple by actually using only two colors. i guess i really like the uniformity of the poster. the design doesn't go everywhere, its mainly kept within a certain boundary, very neat and clean. the only thing i really dislike is the font that they used. 
i sort of think that they should have used a more blockish and more bold font, but other than that, i really like the poster.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Friday, October 29, 2010

Helvetica Documentary

In the Helvetica documentary, i learned about helvetica's history and about the different ways that people have used it.
I like Helvetica because it's simple, but i also dislike it because of it's plainness. it gets sort of tiresome looking at the same font everywhere. I, however, do like the way some of the designer in the documentary used Helvetica. i liked how they make the letters both big and small and put them all over the page.
Some designers, however, don't like Helvetica because of the reason i put up there. because its so plain, it takes away some of the character that should have been in the text. Another reason is its over-use. So many people have used it for signs, posters, and other things. They designers who dislike it think that using Helvetica makes it blend in with it's surrounding signs and posters. They want to make their stuff stand out from the others. They want theirs to be different.

That's what Helvetica is mainly used for. Posters and signs. If you walk around outside and look at the billboards and store signs, most of the ones you see will most likely be using Helvetica.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

video tutorials

In the first video, I learned how to open an image, add text to it, and save it.
In the second video, I learned how to use the smudge tool in the toolbar, change the toning, and how to hide the tools on the side. I also learned how to zoom in and out from my image using the navigator palate.
In the third video, I learned what each section on the tools palate is and where each on is located. I also learned the how to select a tool using different keys. the video showed me how to use some of the tools.

principles of design

balance- i think that the picture is symmetrically balanced. the reflection in the water balances the fact that the two halves of the picture are different colors and textures.

proportion- the proportion of the boat compared to the trees is what's interesting in the picture. How small the boat is next to the trees close behind it.

rhythm- the continual line of trees in the background is what gives the image rhythm.

emphasis- i think that the point of emphasis is the little boat sitting in the river.

unity- i think that the reflection of the green trees in the water bring it together. the blue and the green aren't separated. They both mix together.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Portrait Retouch

For this landscape, I got rid of the branches using the cloning tool. I didn't have time to get rid of all of the branches, so there is still part of a branch hanging in the sky.
For my picture, I got rid of all of my freckles using the concealer tool. I also made the picture a little bit darker using the levels tool.

Portrait Retouch

In the picture of the girl, I darkened the whole picture, then darkened the eyes even more. For this I used the levels tool.
