Wednesday, November 3, 2010

typography quotation posters


  1. I like how simply the posters are designed, you didn't have to do anything fancy to get your point across :)
    To make the design stronger, I would say that if you maybe put certain words or phrases in a different font, they would jump out at people more. Like on the third poster, if you put "it isn't" in a different font, that might make it pop out at people who are looking at it.

  2. like brittany said, they're simply designed, which goes along with everything.
    1 - if the quotes were either bigger, or spread out a little more, that would've made it even better.
    2 - i like the fact that it looks like a fish. if it didn't bend as much - like in the fish tail - it could've been clearer to read.
    3 - i like the "army-ish" font. and then the colors that go with it. the only thing that bothers me is that there is no ":" after "test" and then one after "finished".

  3. First of all your quotes are funny and amazing nice job.
    I liked the coloring in all of them and the way you curved the words made it quirky and cute. My favorite is the second one cause of the colors and the way the words look but mostly just because the quote is amazing.
    You did a really nice job!

  4. the first one was funny cause i got kinda confused but it was clever
    the second one was awesome because of the colors and the positioning of the words looking cool
    the last one was very straight forward and got the point across in a good way

  5. The last two first one because how you made the words wavy and then the last one how you made so serious.

  6. 1st: I really like the first quote because you kind of have to think about it for a second. I don't think it is necessary to have white font I would switch every thing to green, because right now it looks uneven.

    2nd: Well i like this poster because of how the perspective freaks you out and the quote is quite funny. I think the words "even know" on line 3 could be a bit bigger for ease of reading.

    3rd: I like the font in this one that is really bold and how the lines of text start our really curvy then get less and less so. Once again i think it would look better with either all white or all green, because you have a even number of lines and they can't end on the same color they started on with out it looking weird.

  7. "life"
    Colors are good, and the curve on the words adds some interest.
    Maybe you could change the first line to curve, too.

    different quote with a different way of lookimg at text.. it reminds me a little of an octopus :p
    I think playing around with bolding text may make this poster even better!

    "Mission on earth"
    this is my favorite of all your posters; you use curved and straight horizontal text effectively. i would recommend having just one color in the middle, and have the first and last lines the same color as each other but different than the middle lines.

  8. Ok, so for the fist one, "The only thing about life..." I completely agree with this quote and I think that it's awesome. Love the colors, you did really great on this one, only thing I can think of to change is, like AShley said, to change the first line to curve too (in the oposite direction)

    Second one, "Education is...", I think the quote is really cool and I think that the colors you used worked well together. It's a little hard to read, but still legible. Suggestion being maybe to make the text just a little less wavy in certain areas.

    Last one, "Here is the test...", Nice quote, great idea, love the colors. The whole thing looks nice and simple, yet it gets the point across very well. Again I agree with Ashley, I think having all the text in the center part one color different from the color of the first and last lines would (at least I think it would) look very cool.

  9. 1. i think this one is my favorite just because it's different. sorry but i think i disagree with people and i think that if the first part was curved it wouldn't match the rest of it. i like the colors and the simplicity.....

    2. this one was very odd. i was very distracted by the shape of the words rather than the actual words. i like the colors except "what you didn't even know". is it just me or is it a different color?

    3. i really like this one because it isn't too bright and the font is simple and you didn't do anything weird to the background. i really liked the way you curved the words but you should have done something with the "if you're alive it isn't" part.
