Monday, December 6, 2010

thankful poster


  1. This is really creative. I like what you did with the title and the words. The affect around the thing is nice and the whole thing is centered. Its really good but some color on certain words you thankful for (or something) would make it pop..

  2. i really like this because its so different. i like how simple yet creative this really is. all the words repeating in the background is cute and i really like how you can see through the "im thankful for'' section

  3. I'm glad that you put my name on it! it's cute and i like how the words are repeated and how the oval in the center makes the words in the background stand out. the only thing i would say that you should change is to move mom's name to at least the middle of the list instead of the bottom!

  4. I like that your poster is completely different from everyone else's. I think that it's great that a lot of the things that you're thankful for are people and not items; and the fact that each word is repeated in a line across the poster balances with the simple oval on top that says what the poster is all about.

  5. i like this because its very readable and quickly gets across your point

  6. I like how you incorporated the title of the assignment into your poster in an appealing way. The words "I'm thankful for" are large, yet not obstructive or really distracting. The font that you used fit especially well into your style of poster, and I like how what you are thankful for is in the background. I think that mixing the words up, instead having them repeated all in one line, would be a way to add even more variety and would give you room for even more things to be thankful for. :)

  7. i like how you put a person and then an object and etc.
    the colors go together good, and the oval with the at the front is good.
    one thing i would make a very minor change in is how many colors there are.
