Thursday, May 5, 2011


so, i did something in computer apps which i think looks sorta cool, so i'm putting it on.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Q4 W2

I don't know what my company's name is, but my company designs book covers. I'm not sure what shapes I'll use, but I'm deciding between two fonts (Honey Script or Christopher Hand).

Friday, February 18, 2011

Week 5

This week I learned a lot of new things. I learned how to copy a shape, how to cut out certain parts of an image and fade other parts, i learned how to download brushes from the Internet, and how to create hair with really frustrating brushes. My favorite was probably the watercolor tutorial. I liked how we got to really make it our own, personalize it, with our own choices of shapes, colors, etc.

Week 5- Watercolor Tutorial

Friday, January 21, 2011

Week 1- What I Learned

I learned:
  1. about some interesting digital artists
  2. how to use the blur tool to make light beams come out from the flash i was working on

Saturday, January 8, 2011

My Nephew

(above)This is the original photo that i started playing with my nephew, Thomas, and his mommy Tina. The 2 photos below were made using filters and, for the last photo, the quick selection tool.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

selection assignment

(above) quick selection
i really liked using this tool because it's easy to use. the only problem i had with it was with Joseph's shoes.
elliptical marquee tool
i didn't particularly enjoy using this one because of its inability to create an exact selection around Joseph. i know in the assignment you weren't even supposed to make it exact, but it's just something that irritates me.